Smart home maintenance suggestions to keep your Asheville system running smoothly

Maintenance is vital to many aspects of our lives. You go to the gym to keep yourself fit and take your vehicle to the mechanic so it operates properly. Your Asheville smart home is no exception. While it requires less upkeep than your family SUV, you still must do a few things to keep components functioning smoothly. It’s not difficult, and we’ll make the job even easier with our smart home maintenance tips.
Clean Hardware Is Vital To Reliable Function
Dust and dirt are enemies to surveillance device lenses, sensors, and all sorts of electronics. How well do you think your outdoor surveillance will detect trespassers if it’s obscured by cobwebs? Your smart home won’t appear so smart if it’s not working as intended. But you can lend a hand by completing these basic maintenance duties:
- Keep your surveillance lenses clear by wiping them periodically with a microfiber towel slightly dampened with a safe cleaning solution. Don’t use paper towels that can damage the lens, and avoid spraying a cleaner directly on the camera.
- Prevent dust from settling on fragile electronics. If debris get inside the housing, it can damage those sensitive electrical parts and impede needed airflow. Even your central command panel's level, narrow top can collect dust.
- When cleaning or dusting, quickly check to ensure your devices are attached securely and situated appropriately.
It’s easy to keep your smart home devices clean, but you can carry out some additional tasks to promote error-free functionality.
Conduct a quick test of your Asheville security system
Have you not received a smartphone update in recent weeks? Your system could be fine, and your home well guarded, but it might also mean something isn’t working right. How about finding out by conducting a short assessment of your equipment? Here’s what you can do:
- Take on the part of an intruder and see if you can set off your motion sensors, door and window sensors, or additional devices you have. You can often set your system in “test mode” to avoid notifying your monitoring team.
- Go into your home security smartphone app and check the video feed. Ensure the images are sharp and the camera is directed where it is supposed to be.
- If you have automation configured, check it. Did the smart thermostat adjust at the proper time? Did your lights activate as planned?
- Verify batteries are changed routinely. Some systems will even tell you when they’re getting low.
Inspections can be done infrequently or whenever you believe a device is not operating as it should.
Is your system firmware current?
Those smart gadgets you have throughout your house don’t just function independently. These integrated instruments have firmware built in, so they function as intended. In many cases, the firmware will automatically update, but there may be exceptions. Run the updates as soon as they’re available (your system will likely alert you) to prevent errors or security concerns.
Get a low-maintenance smart home in Asheville from Vivint
Do you want a dependable, easy-to-maintain smart home in Asheville? Consult with the home security experts at Vivint. Offering the latest in exterior surveillance and automation, we have a solution for your family. Call (828) 571-7175 now to get started.